Nobody’s home is just like yours. The space you’ve created for your family is sacred and I’m always honored to be invited to photograph laughter, love and moments there or anywhere that is meaningful to you.
FAMILY // Ibrahim
An unplanned conflict made this the second attempt to photograph one of my favorite families. It also happened to be what I think was the hottest day of summer. The air was thick and the small air conditioner didn’t quite cut through the humidity of the large warehouse studio we used. But here’s the thing, the Ibrahims are pure at heart, never complain and look stunning even when I know they’re melting. Thank you for being you. I love the way you love each other in these photos.
FAMILY // Baby H.
Adam and Anne trusted me to photograph their wedding just last summer so to be asked again to photograph their newborn son was a bigger honor yet. Little did I know they already had a four-legged family! The best newborn sessions are when you’re finally home, away from the sterile hospital room and the visitors, and you’re settled into home with all the curiosity, messiness and love that comes with your first born.
FAMILY // Turning One
Turning one is a big deal, and this beautiful Lake Orion family wanted to document this special time in their son’s life. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your family’s milestones
FAMILY // FlorJancic
“We want you to do what you do best.” Those were my instructions as I photographed this Chicago-area family that came to Muskegon for vacation late this summer.
FAMILY // Kira
Kira Muskegon, Michigan There are days when I feel a bit melancholy that my newspaper days are behind me. I always thought that community photojournalism could make a big difference (I still do) but somehow I feel what I do now doesn't have the potential to make a...
FAMILY // Baby B.
Only days old, I was asked to document some of this sweet baby girl’s first moments at home. I always feel especially privileged to be a part of something so precious and new.
FAMILY // Baby Kessler
In June, we converged to the little-known town in the mountains of Lopez, Pennsylvania near the corner of Maple and Maple to meet my nephew who arrived just over three weeks before. Just like the harsh winters of Lopez leave the buildings with a perfectly weathered patina, my sister Leni’s labor could compare. Harsh. Long. Tough. In the end was this perfect baby boy for us all to love.
FAMILY // Henry
I’ve known Henry for a few years now and, yes, he gets cuter every time I photograph him. But man, oh man, does his energy grow exponentially. I won’t lie I had a hard time keeping up with this little man but I love that everything is an exploration. A rock. A tree. A stick.
FAMILY // Sayles + Rogers
In the summer of 2014, this beautiful family hired me to join them for a day in Glen Arbor for their summer vacation. In 2015, they asked me back but this time in New Buffalo. The beach was different and the children had grown but so much stayed the same.